Below is the list of books on Economics in the library.


1Gary and Duane BrownInstructor’s Manual to Accompany New YorkMcGraw Hill1975H 61. B61
2A. Kapoor et alThe Multinational Enterprise in TransitionNew JerseyThe Darwin Press1972HD 69.17.K21
3A. KoutoyiannisModern Economics HampshirePalgrave Macmillan2002HB 171.5.K682
4A.F. EwingIndustry In AfricaLondonOxford University Press1968HC 502.E941
5Adeoti OluBusiness Policy & Strategic Management …IbadanNoiseless Effective Communication2009HD 30.28.A31
6Alan Griffiths et.alApplied EconomicsHarlowPearson Education2004 1
7Alpha ChangFundamental Methods of mathematical EconomicsNew YorkMcGraw-Hill Books2013HB 135.C475
8Andre Gunder FrankLatin America Underdevelopment or RevolutionNew YorkMonthly Review Press1969HC 125.F61
9Anyanwu J.CThe Structure of Nigerian EconomyOnitshaJoanne Educational Publishers1997HC 1055.S7772
10Avinash K. DixitOptimization in Ecomonic TheoryOxfordOxford University Press1990 1
11Banji Oyelaran-Oyeyinka et alSmall and Medium Enterprise Clusters in NigeriaIbadanMosuro Publishers2007HD 2341.S6.O93
12C.F. Bergsten et alChina’s Rise: Challenges and OpportunitiesWashington D.CCenter for Strategic & International Studies2008HC 472.95.C45661
13Campbell R. McConnellEconomics: Principles, Problems, And PoliciesNew YorkMcGraw-Hill Books2012HB 171.5.M1393
14Carl E. WalshMonetary Theory and PolicyMassachus Setts Massachus Setts Institute of Technonlogy2003HG 230.3.W351
15Carl P. Simonetal Mathematics for EconomistsNew YorkW.W. Norton and Company1994 1
16Carrell M.R et alAdvanced Labor Relations & Collective BargainingBostonPearson Custom Publishing2004HD 6960.C371
17Charles P. KindlebergerThe International Corporation: A Symposium LondonThe MIT Press1970HD 69.17.I561
18Chinonye Love EmmanuelEntrepreneurship: A Conceptual ApproachLagosPumark Nigeria Ltd2008HB 615.E41
19Committee on Women Affairs, Youth Dev, House of RepsThe Role of Parliamentarians in the Protection & … AbujaNational Assembly2006HC 120.E51
20Damodar N. Gujarati et. alBasic EconometricsNew YorkMcGraw Hill2009HB 139.G841
21Daniel BursteinEuroquake: Europe’s Explosive Economic Challenge … New YorkSimon & Schuster1991HC 241.2.B7641
22David I. Cleland & William R. KingSystem Analysis & Project ManagementNew YorkMcGraw-Hill Books1975HD 20.5.C551
23David RomereconomicsNew YorkMcGraw Hill1996HB 172.5.R661
24Delbert C MillerIndustrial Sociology: The Sociology of Work OrganizationNew YorkHarper and Row1964HD 6955.M51
25Dele OdebiyiTowards a Better NigeriaLagosTeutab Communications2006HC 1055.O32
26Dominick SalvatoreSchaum Outlines MicroeconomicsNew YorkMcGraw Hill2011 1
27Dwivedi D.N.Managerial Economics New DelhiVikas Publishing House2008HD 30.22 .D82
28E.F. SchumacherSmall is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as If People MatteredGreat BritainBlond and Briggs1973HB 171.S3841
29Earl R. BabbieThe Practice of Social ResearchCaliforniaWadworth1975H 62.B21
30Ernest MandelAn Introduction To Marxist Economic TheoryNew YorkPathfinder Press1969HB 97.5.M21
31Femi OkunnuContemporary State Land Matters in Nigeria: The Case.. Benin CitySankore Publishers2003HD 82.N5.O38
32Fumi OhayashiEconometricsNew York   1
33Gary and Duane BrownA Survey of the Social Sciences New YorkMcGraw Hill1975H 61. B61
34Geoffrey A. Jehle et. alAdvanced Microeconomic TheoryHarlowPearson Education2011 1
35GF StanlakeStarting EconomicsLondonLongman2004HB 171.5.S773
36Gilad BenEarly Warning: Using CI To … PowerfulNew YorkAMACOM2003HD 61.G5331
37Giovanni ArrighiEssays on the Political Economy of AfricaNew YorkMonthly Review Press1973HC 502.A71
38H.L BhatiaHistory of Economic ThoughtNew DelhiVikas Publishing House2013HB 75 .B42
39Hal R. VarianIntermediate Microeconomics: A Modern ApproachNew York 2014 1
40Hal R. VarianIntermediate Microeconomics: A Modern ApproachNew YorkW.W. Norton Publishers1993HB 172.V341
41Handerson JamesMicroeconomic Theory: A Mathematical ApproachNew DelhiMcGraw-Hill Books2007HB 171.5.H4242
42J.E. HartshornOil Companies and Governments: An Account of the… LondonFaber and Faber1967HD 9560.5.H31
43James D. CockcroftDependence and Underdevelopment: … Economy New YorkDoubleday Publishers1972HC 125.C581
44James PetrasCritical Perspectives on Imperialism & Social Class … New YorkMonthly Review Press1978HC 59.7.P41
45Jerald GreenbergManaging Behavior in OrganizationsUppersaddlePearson Education2005HD 58.7.G71761
46John HicksA Theory of Economic HistoryNew YorkOxford University Press1969HC 26.H51
47John Lodewyks et. alMoney and Monetary Policy in Open Economy Bookboon2015 1
48K Alec Chrystal et. alEconomics for Business and ManagementOxfordOxford University Press1997 1
49K.A IsholaMacroeconomicsIlorinLavgark Investment Ltd.2011HB 172.5.I733
50Lekan AreServing to Survive and Succeed: A Case Study… IbadanUniversity Press PLC2003HD 30.3.A71
51Linda Pinson & Jerry JinnetBusiness Plans for Small CompaniesWiltshireThe Chartered Institute of Bankers1996HD 30.28.P53
52Lipsey Richard & Alec ChrystalEconomicsOxford Oxford University Press2012HB 171.5.L7332
53Louis M. HackerThe Course of American Economic Growth & DevelopmentNew YorkJohn Wiley Publishers1970HC 103.H31
54Louis TurnerMultinational Companies & The Third WorldNew YorkHill and Wang1973HD 69.17 T81
55M.L. JhinganAdvanced Economic Theory (Micro & Macro Economics)New DelhiVirinda Publication2012HB 171.5 .J42
56Magnus Blomstrom et alDevelopment Theory in Transition: The … responseLondonZed Books 1985HC 59.7.B51
57Michael P. Todaro et. alEconomic DevelopmentNew JerseyPearson Education2014HD 82.T5521
58Michael ParkinEconomicsNew YorkPearson Learning Solutions2014HB 171.5.P31
59Michael R. BayeManagerial Economics & Business StrategyBostonMcGraw-Hill Books2012HC 30.22.B381
60Michael TanzerThe Political Economy of International Oil & The Underdeveloped..BostonBeacon Press1970HD 9560.5.T31
61Mordechai E. KreininInternational Economics: A Policy ApproachNew YorkHarcourt, Brace Jovanovich1971HF 1411.K6971
62Moses Yode OmotoshoEcometrics: “A Practical Approach”IbadanYosod Book Publishers2011HB 135.O563
63Moshood FolorunshoMethodological Innovation in Community Development… MauritusEditions Universitaires Europeennes2017HD 9502.5.F61
64Olivier ZunzThe Changing Face of Inequality: Urbanization… ChicagoUniversity of Chicago Press1982HC 108.D6.Z861
65Paul A. BaranThe Political Economy of GrowthNew YorkMonthly Review Press1957HD 87.P64.B31
66Paul A. Samuelson et alEconomicsNew YorkMcGraw-Hill Books2010HB 171.5.S22
67Philips Jack J. Return on Investment in Being  and Performance Programm…HoustonGolf Publishing1997HF 5549 .5 .T7 .P4341
68Raymond VernonThe Economy and Political Consequences of … BostonHarvard University Press1972HD 69.17.V31
69Richard C. HarwoodMake Hope Real: How We Can Accelerate Change… BethesdaThe Harwood Institute for Public Innovation2007HD 57.7.17941
70Richard C. HarwoodThe Organization-First ApproachBethesdaThe Harwood Institute for Public Innovation2008HD 57.7.H21
71Richard J. BarnetGlobal Reach: The Power of the Multinational CorpsNew YorkSimon & Schuster1974HD 69.17.B321
72Rudiger Dornbusch et. alMicroeconomicsNew YorkMcGraw Hill2011 1
73Russell Davidson et.alEconometrics Theory and Methods  1999 1
74Sam O Olofin et alAn Introduction To MacroeconomicsIbadanEvans Brothers2001HB 172.5.O42
75Samir AminNeo-Colonialism in West AfricaNew YorkMonthly Review Press1973HC 547.W5.A7131
76Sharp SeenaCompetitive IntelligenceNew JerseyJohn Wiley Publishers2009HD 38.7.S4861
77Susan Sweeney101 Internet Businesses You Can Start From Home… FloridaJim Hoskins (Maximum Press)2007HD 62.38.S941
78T.A. OyeniyiFundamental Principles of EconometricsLagosCedar Publishers2012HB 139.O953
79Tayo FashoyinIndustrial Relations In Nigeria: Development & PracticeLondonLongman1980HD 8831.F31
80The PunchBuilding Entrepreneurial Skills. Vol 1IbadanBook Craft2010HB 615.B9326
81The PunchBuilding Entrepreneurial Skills. Vol 2IbadanBook Craft2010HB 615.B9326
82Thomas L. Wheelen et. alStrategic Management Towards Global SustainabilityNew JerseyPearson Education2012 1
83Tim HarvardInvestment Property Valuation TodayLondonEstates Gazette2004HD 1361.H33
84Ultimate Business Library Ultimate Small Business Guide: A Resource … New YorkBasic Books2004HD 2340.8.U481
85Una Datta Roy ChoudhuryNational Income AccountingNew Delhi Macmillan1995HA 40 .I5.C43
86Walter RodneyHow Europe Underdeveloped AfricaWashington D.CHoward University Press1982HC 800.R61
87Willam H. GreeneEconometric AnalysisNew JerseyPearson Education2012HD 139. G741