Each member is required to register with the library for access to Library facilities. Students are to present school identity card or school fee receipt while members of staff would require staff identity card as prerequisites for registration.

All readers are required to fill a registration form and also produce two passport photographs. These will be used in generating a “library identification card” for members of the university community only. Upon registration, each member will be issued a Library card.  This card is valid for the duration of users’ programme in the University. A library card will enable a registered member to borrow books from the Library and also to enjoy any of its other services.

The library must be notified immediately of any change of address. A member ceases to be a library user when he/she leaves the University upon graduation or withdrawal in case of students, or upon discontinuance of staff employment.

Library cards are to be submitted to the Circulation Librarian as part of the clearance procedure by the member.

The following are eligible to be registered as readers in the KDU Library to enjoy the privilege of borrowing books.

  • All members of the University e :
  • All students (Undergraduate and Postgraduate).
  • All academic staff.
  • All members of senior administrative and technical staff.
  • Other users as may be determined from time to time by the University Librarian, such as external persons who will be required to apply in writing to the University Librarian, stating his or her mission and the duration for which he or she wants to make use of the Library.

The following may be admitted to the Library for the purposes of study and reference but without the privilege of borrowing:

  • Graduates of KolaDaisi University, Ibadan.

Admission to the Library

No one will be admitted to the KDU Library unless the person produces his/her Library Card on demand to any Library staff who may prohibit entry to anyone unable to produce the card.

Main Library

  • Monday to Friday: 8:30am to 6pm 
  • Saturday: 10am to 4pm

Law Library

  • Monday to Friday: 8:30am to 4:30pm

General Library Rules and Regulations
1. Registration should be done to become a Library member prior to using the Library resources.
2. Members must show their Library cards on entering the Library, when borrowing books, and at other times if asked to do so by the Porter, Security personnel or any member of the senior staff of the University Library.
3. Complete silence should be observed except for brief and subdued talk with the Library staff.
4. No discussion is permitted inside the Library.
5. All books borrowed from the University Library should be returned before the reader goes on vacation.
6. The use of Mobile phones or other audio instruments is strictly prohibited in the Library premises unless it is put in vibration or silent mode.
7. The Librarian may recall any book from any User at any time and the Users shall return same immediately.
8. Library borrower cards are not transferable. The borrower is responsible for the books borrowed on his/her card.
9. Refreshment of any kind shall not be allowed in the Library premises.
10. Possession of dangerous materials such as knife, gun, razor blade, hammer, etc. or any other weapons are not allowed in and around the Library.
11. No smoking in or around the Library.
12. The use of any form of candles, matches, hurricane lanterns and chemicals is prohibited in the Library.
13. No reader will be allowed to enter any part of the Library marked ‘Private’ or Reserved for staff unless by permission.
14. All forms of dressing prohibited by the University Authorities are not allowed in the University Library.
15. After reading, books must be left on the table or on the book trolley. Readers should not shelve books.
16. Appropriate phone number must be provided while filling Library membership form.
17. It is forbidden to write on, underline or mark any book. Library books would be carefully examined on return and the borrower will be held responsible for any damage.
18. Personal belongings such as handbags, briefcases, etc., must be left in the cloak area, on user’s responsibility. The Library disclaims any liability for loss or damage.
19. Library staff would offer assistance to find required material.
20. Consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs is not allowed in and around the Library.
21. No seats must be reserved by placing materials on the chairs. Any book or personal belongings left unattended on unoccupied tables may be removed by Library staff without prior notice to the owner.
22. Photocopying of Library materials should be made in compliance with the Copyright Ordinance. Library users are fully responsible for any legal consequences arising from infringement of copyright laws.
23. Readers must show all books in their possession to the porter and subject themselves to body search at the exit to ensure that all Library books have been properly issued and no material is illegally removed from the Library. The Library reserves the right to embark on checking of hostels any time it deems fit to recover Library materials illegally removed from the Library.
24. The University Librarian may suspend or withdraw all user privileges from any person who contravenes listed regulations, and may report any offender to the University management.

Books Circulation

Books will be issued on presentation of the Library card along with the school ID card. Students are instructed to check the books while borrowing and they will be responsible for any type of damage or mutilation noticed at the time of return.

Validity of cards

Library borrowers’ cards are valid for the entire duration of the course to access Library facilities. At the end of the course, borrower cards shall be returned to the Library. Any student who fails to return his/her Library card at the end of the course will not be cleared during the process of graduation, this implies that the student will not graduate.

Care of Library Books

Students are required to handle books/Journal very carefully; marking with pencil, writing or highlighting, tearing the pages or mutilating the same in any other way will be viewed very seriously. In such case, reader shall be held responsible unless earlier brought to the notice of the library staff at the time of issue.

 Lost But Found Items

Lost But Found items are held at the circulation desk of the Library. Identifiable items are returned to the owner while all unclaimed items are forwarded to the appropriate authority. Users are advised not to keep valuable items in the space provided for briefcases, bags, umbrellas, waterproofs, etc., as such items are placed at the owner’s risk.

Number of Loan Permitted for Readers

The maximum number of books permitted for a loan period is four (4) for Undergraduates, six (6) for Post Graduate/research students and academic staff.

Duration of Loan

The normal duration of loan is fourteen (14) days for Undergraduates and thirty (30) days for research students, academic staff, senior administrative staff and technical staff. However, a loan may be renewed on application for one further period provided there are no other user requests for the materials. After that, it must be returned.

How to Find a Book

When a user knows the author or title of a book he/she wants to borrow, the user will consult the Author/Title Cataloguing where he/she will find the entry of the book. The user is required to write down the Call Number pasted on the book spine and go to the corresponding number on the shelves.

A call number is a unique number assigned to books and other cataloged materials to help locate them on the shelves. The call number of a book consists of class number that indicates the subject of the book while the author cutter number helps to arrange books with same class number in alphabetical order under the surname of their authors.

How to Borrow a Book

When a user locates a book, he/she is required to provide his/her details on the borrowers’ register provided at the loan desk. The borrower’s card is submitted for each book borrowed. When a book is returned, the user must ensure that the borrower’s card submitted in regards to the book borrowed is collected back immediately.

Penalties for Overdue materials

Materials borrowed should be returned on or before the due date, if returned late, overdue fine of N50 will be charged per day for the first 15 days, thereafter at N100 per day. All loan privileges will be withdrawn after 30 days.

Lost Book

Books lost or damaged should be reported instantly. If the books are lost, then the borrower shall replace the books of the same edition or latest edition or pay four times the current cost of the book. All cases of stealing, mutilations, defacing of books will be regarded as serious offences which will attract severe penalty.

Loss of cards

Loss of borrower’s card should be reported to the librarian at the Circulation Desk immediately and application for new Library card must be to the University Librarian. A fine of N500 will be paid to the Bursary Department before another Library card is issued.

Mission statement

To build, conserve and preserve diverse information resources to support teaching, learning and research. Also, to provide life-long learning skills to our users. The library’s aim is to provide good, aesthetic, user-friendly learning environment for all academic and research activities in the university.

Vision statement

To become a world-class and reference Resource Centre that will enhance teaching, learning and research that will promote raising a new generation of scholars.

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